Magnetic Sensor
Traditional magnetic sensors may be buried underneath road pavement to detect presence of vehicle, due to its very limited detection range. These sensors can be used as, a) traffic monitoring on driveway (to count the frequency of passing-by vehicles); b) vehicle presence detection at car park. In addition, it requires relatively high power, and high current short pulses; this remains a challenge for wireless sensor design.
Our wireless magnetic sensor provides reliable detection at a standoff distance from ferrite materials e.g. vehicle, metal tools, weapons etc. It also consumes much less power than the traditional magnetic sensor. |
- Superior detection range, which opens possibilities for an array of new applications.
- Low power consumption with extended lifespan.
- Reliable ferrite metallic object detection against other means, e.g. acoustic/seismic
- None-Line-Of-Sight (NLOS) deployment, burial possible.